Hello, and welcome to my website! Thank you for stopping by. If you’ve known me for a while, you probably realize that I’ve had different websites over time, including my healthcare consulting company site, Compliance Ala Carte, and a personal blog, OMG I Love Florida (my COVID lockdown project!). I decided it made more sense to include all my various ‘identities’ into one site. Here you can find my personal blogs, information on my consulting services and articles, and yes, of course, my books! If you aren’t familiar with my background and range of projects, take a look around the site. You will find information on my healthcare consulting business, with related articles, my personal blog with includes some fun and some factual articles about our move to Florida, and last (but not least!), my books. I write both non-fiction (healthcare compliance guides) as well as fiction.

In addition to all of that, I plan to give away sneak peeks of new books and give-aways soon. With that in mind, I hope you’ll sign up for my email list so that you can be the first to know about things I’ve got going on or are giving away!

New Release!

The Hippocratic Deception is a medical/legal thriller. This book follows my characters in 'Finding Maslow' but is a different sort of book entirely, with dirty doctors, crooked lawyers, an orphan from Mexico, and a beautiful Reverend Mother who is a target of the bad guys. Justina, as a brand-new legal intern, finds herself in the middle of it all!




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